Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Night I Cried

I'm sitting on the back deck after a long day at work. The Husband grilled for supper (yay!) and the temperature outside has cooled down to a lovely 74 degrees with a slight breeze. I'm listening to the sound of some distant thunder and couldn't be more content right now unless someone gave me $5000, a shopping cart or two, and turned me loose in the WEBS yarn warehouse. In fact, it's almost too perfect an evening to tell you about...the night I cried.

Yeah, that was last night. Why, you ask? Well, remember that lacy pullover, Midsummer Aran, that I've been working on for what seems like forever? I'd been doing so well on it lately. Went from about 4 inches completed to this:

That's actually about 8 inches of progress

Then last night, something...happened.

I wish I knew what. Seriously, I have no idea how I managed it, but I dropped a stitch or two. Turns out it was just one, but I didn't know that at the time. And I cried. Well, not immediately. First, I stared at the thing in disbelief. Then I counted the stitches and was two short, but didn't know if that's because I didn't yarn over when I dropped the stitch or if I'd dropped two. Next, I took off my glasses and covered my eyes with my hands, hoping when I removed them, the whole thing would have been just a bad dream. It wasn't.

Then I cried. While The Husband looked on and mumbled something about thinking my hobby was too stressful, I cried. I set the whole thing aside and cried some more. I'm going to have to rip this freaking beast back to the ribbing and start all over again. Why did I ever decide to make this stupid thing anyway? It's not even that pretty. I should just frog it and get on with my life. But this thing really is so pretty. I've bloody well ruined it. Waaaaahhhhh....

Yeah, that's pretty much how it went.

Once I calmed down, determination took over. I found the loop perilously hanging there from where I'd dropped the stitch and put a marker through it to hold it. I began to tink back, not knowing how many rows I'd have to un-knit before I got back to that stitch. Turns out it was just one row I lost. The universe righted itself again and all was well.

Of course, two rows later, I ended up with one extra stitch. Yes, folks, I'm just that stinking good.  I'm gonna have to tink back again, but hey, an extra stitch is a lot less scary than dropping one.  

In other news, remember this cake of sock yarn?

I've decided to turn it into a pair of Scott Base Socks by Sarah Ronchetti. You all know by now that I love Sarah's designs, especially her socks, so I've got my pattern at the ready. Woo hoo!


Friday, July 18, 2014

On The Fly...

Happy Friday!

I'm taking the morning off in order to take this mess to the vet for his annual shots:


I really don't have time to blog today, but it's not often I have any time at home in the morning where housework, laundry, or exhaustion isn't calling my name so I decided to post at least a little something.  Unfortunately, the lack of blog posting has more to do with the fact that I'm definitely a morning person and can't seem to think straight after 2 p.m. in order to put thoughts into words.  Who am I kidding--after 2, I barely have thoughts to put into words...

Another reason for so little blogging is my definite lack of progress on anything constructive.  The vest I'm knitting my mom?  Still waiting to be seemed at the shoulders (I mean really, how hard is it to find time to seam 3 inch strips of knitted fabric together??).  The baby items?  Waiting on buttons for one and I managed to run out of one color of yarn for the second project that I can't get locally and is currently out of stock online.  Yay for planning.  

I did finish the Waihi Socks by Sarah Ronchetti:

In a hurry, so photo quality?  Nope.

The right leaning cables are still wonky after blocking, but I can live with it.

The only other project I've got on the needles right now is the Midsummer Aran pullover by Ginevra Martin I'm knitting with a hemp blend yarn.  The progress is painstakingly slow, but I'm getting far enough along that seeing the pattern develop is fueling my motivation.  As you can see, I've got quite a bit to go.

Lace.  LACE.  LaCe.  *giggles in a disturbed manner*

I don't think I'll attempt anything this fiddly for a while after I get this finished.  This project is sucking every last bit of what little "after 2 p.m." energy I have and I'm longing for some mindless stockinette stitching.  I also need to find a new sock pattern to use with this lovely cake of Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in color way Rain Water.

A little cake of heaven

