I should have realized I’d have to eat my words about not liking Magic Loop knitting. After the way I did an about-face on the DPN issue, it was likely to happen again.
Maybe I actually like Magic Loop. A lot.
I finished my first ever pair of toe-up socks - Scott Base Toe-Up by Sarah Ronchetti:
I didn’t even realize it had happened until I pulled my DPNs back out on the first sock in order to do the cuff ribbing with a smaller sized needle, as I don’t have many 40” circular sizes. Suddenly, my beloved DPNs weren’t as friendly as I remembered. Once I had finished arguing with myself about the fact that ML was indeed easier than DPNs, I immediately ordered a couple of 40” needles in smaller sizes. As for the socks, Sarah’s well-written pattern did not disappoint (thanks Sarah!).
It looks like this whole toe-up/Magic Loop thing may be working out. In order to make sure I’m not just in some sort of crafty honeymoon phase, I cast on another pair of toe-up/ML socks. Here’s an early picture:
No particular pattern this time, just plain ol’ socks. I stopped at our local Hobby Lobby and picked up some inexpensive sock yarn so I could practice toe-up. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve used a self-patterning sock yarn and I am SO hooked. I’m over half way done with the first sock and, like the complete knitting dork that I am, I keep looking at the lovely little stripy pattern and smiling to myself. I mean, holy cow, what the heck was I waiting for?? Colorwork without the work! What’s not to love? The yarn is Red Heart (I know, right? Yarn snobbery can be fleeting) Heart & Sole with Aloe in color way Faded Jeans. The yarn is a light fingering, which I normally don’t use for socks and I am not very hopeful that they’ll hold up with use, but it really doesn’t matter because I’m having so much fun.
Back to my developing Magic Loop fetish…
I like it so much I decided to cast on a wee hat for my soon-to-come grand using ML. Haven’t made much progress yet as I tend to procrastinate on things that I’m unsure of and this little hat (pattern to be shared at some future date) entails color work. No matter how loose I think I’m leaving my strands, I tend to knit too tightly so my friend Deanne recommended knitting the little thing inside out to help keep the tension looser. A brilliant idea but I don’t purl in the round particularly well, hence the procrastination. I’ll get there though.
How about you? Ever go from dislike to love with a technique or method before?