So, since I'm in this phase where I want to cast on but can't find anything I want to start and all I seem to be able to do is look at pattern after pattern on Ravelry*, it has raised a question in my mind regarding how we all use Ravelry. That question is (drum roll please...):
Favorites vs Library?
When I began using Ravelry, I queued everything I liked at first which, as you can imagine, led me very quickly to a very unmanageable queue. When it finally dawned on me that there had to be a better way, I decided to save those patterns I wasn't likely to get to any time soon in my library. I soon also figured out I could create "sets" within my library in which to categorize everything. This has served me well. Last May, however, while I was at the Magnolia State Fiber Festival in Vicksburg, MS, I recall a conversation in which I casually mentioned how many patterns I had in my Ravelry library and by the reaction of those I was speaking to, was apparently a lot (for example, currently it might be said that I have well over 1,000 patterns in my library--it might be said but I'm not saying it). That kinda planted a seed in my subconsciousness that maybe I wasn't using Ravelry the way most folks do. I ignored the seed. Until recently.
I often start my Ravelry pattern browsing by looking at the "Hot Right Now" box on the Ravelry pattern page. I noticed it listed the number of "favorites" of the patterns so I figured this must be a key to what is considered "hot". I started to play around with favoriting (is that an actual word?) patterns where eventually (I'm not real fast on the uptake) I realized it might be useful to tag them so I can easily search them later. I use the general item class, for example, "sweater" and the yarn weight, for example, "DK". This seems okay and yet...
I still can't seem to get away from my library. I like my little "folders" that put everything in a category. Ravelry doesn't seem to mind, plus, how ever-loving long would it take me to transfer every pattern (that may or may not be over 1,000) in my library to a favorite?? Too. Stinking. Long.
My solution? I don't have one. Currently I'm justifying adding any new patterns I find that I like to both my favorites and my library.
Is this weird? I think it might be.
So tell me, how do you use Ravelry? Do you "favorite"? Do you "library"? Do tell...
*I'm only providing the link once, people. I freely admit I'm too lazy to attach a link to every place I use the word "Ravelry" in this post. <-- Including this one.
I mainly use the queue and have regular culling sessions to keep it to a small list. I love Ravelry but I don't think I use it to its full potential.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I don't either! I only put things in my queue that I am positive I will make. I put things in my library that I like and that I may or may not make. That list is so huge though and grows nearly every day!
DeleteI use my queue for projects i do want to make for sure, this might not happen and i do usually go through and take things out of it occasionally. I use my favorites for things I love or ideas or techniques. I use the library for patterns I have bought or have.
ReplyDeleteI never even thought of saving techniques! Great idea!
DeleteAnything I'm likely going to make goes into my queue so this is essentially my favourites list. Patterns I've bought as well as downloaded freebies are in my library. That being said, i don't think there is a right or wrong way to use Ravelry and your way may be best for you. If its organized and you can find what you're looking for, I don't see any reason to change just because others raised an eyebrow at you.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, of course! If it works, that's all that matters. :-)
DeleteI'm a mixed favouriter (spell check is having a fit over that word) and queuer. I tend to put the actual pattern page in my queue, and people's projects using that pattern in my favourites. Then I attempt, not always successfully I must admit, to keep my queue down to 10 or fewer pages. Every few months I do a queue cull. I think if the library system is working for you, keep doing it that way.
ReplyDeleteI forget sometimes that you can favorite others' project pages.
DeleteWow, ten pages? I only have one page of queued items and I wonder how I'll ever get them knit!