Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Mush-Free Reflections

Okay, lots of folks get reflective at the end of each year.  I don't really do resolutions, and since menopause has reared its ugly head, I don't like to do mushy either because quite frankly, I cry enough at stupid things like puppies and don't even ask me about this new TV commercial from Apple where the granddaughter finds a recording her grandma made for her grandpa when he was away at war. I get misty every single time.  I'm a dork.  I embrace this.

That said, there IS something entirely natural at the end of the year in looking back and seeing what was total rubbish, what was great, and what could be done better in the next year.  So I decided to take a little stock myself and throw it into a blog post.  

This last year had many, many difficult moments for me.  There have been various health problems and some serious questioning regarding my vocation, along with the realization that I'm rapidly heading toward the end of that magical decade between 40 and 50 that causes most people - women especially I think - to carefully consider how we actually want to spend the rest of our lives.  Not to be morbid or anything, but the truth is, I'm old enough now that I have absolutely no desire to spend time on anything that's not really important to me.  You know we humans are silly creatures that tend to spend our youth majoring in the minors and that way of thinking changes as you age.  You start to see the ridiculousness of so many things you've birthed gray hair over.  I think that's why older people are said to grow in wisdom.  The wisdom of age is certainly not something centered around how much you know.  Rather, I think the wisdom of age is realizing how very little you really know.   Ideally, you stop sweating the small stuff.  I'm still getting there...

That said, this year has had some incredibly lovely moments as well.  Of course, I'm still floating with the news that I have a grand baby on the way.  But there have been other things as well.  Time with friends and family.  Many positive answers to prayer.  Blessings abound, they really do.  Not to mention all of you who have stuck with me and this blog through my fairly absentee year.  There's something special about people of the wool.

As for what could be done better, I think the key to having time to do what I love - tend my family, knit, & write - is going to be to focus on simplicity.  On "de-cluttering" my life and letting go of those things that are not in any way redeeming*.  

And of course, more yarn.  There has to be more yarn...

Happy New Year!


*Netflix and football do not count.  I can totally knit while watching either.


  1. A happy new year to you. I agree it is a time for reflection and plans. My life isn't plain sailing either but it definitely gets happier every year. I do quite a bit of voluntary work but last year realised that there has to be something in it for me too. That eye-opener meant that I now make a point of enjoying what I do as much as possible. You only live once.

    1. Yes indeed! We must make the most of the time we have. Happy New Year, Una!

  2. Love this! It's good to know I'm not alone :)

    1. Oh good, it's not just me then! :-) Thank you for reading!


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