Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year!

Let me just start the first post of 2013 by pointing out how absolutely absurd it is that I have knitted all of these yummy sweaters for gifts (which I really did love doing) and yet I sit here typing this in a store-bought, hand-me-down, ugly gray cardigan sweater-type thing with flared sleeves and a belt.  Hey, I’m cold and it’s all I’ve got with long sleeves.  So, it follows that my goal for the New Year is to actually knit myself a nice cardi. 

But that will have to wait…

Besides the fact that I’m still working on Christmas 2012 sweater #7 (read: haven't even cast on yet), I have a few projects lined up.  The Husband has decided that he’d like me to knit a sweater for him.  I’m jumping at the chance because he hardly ever wears the sweaters I bought him in years past (my pre-knitting days) and he actually looks quite nice in a sweater.  So I went through some possible patterns on Ravelry and we settled on Limestone by DROPS Design.  I was kind of hoping he would choose something I could use a bulky yarn on that would go quickly, but alas, it was not to be.  At least I like the pattern he chose.  Okay, I didn’t show him any patterns I didn’t like because well, why would I want to knit him something ugly?  Anyhoo, I bought the yarn for the pattern last week and I’m looking forward to knitting with it.  I chose Nuna by Mirasol Yarns, a blend of 40% merino wool, 40% silk, and 20% bamboo.  It feels absolutely yummy.  So much so, that I’ve decided if he doesn’t wear it after I’ve made it, I’m going to wear it myself.  So what if it’s a little big?  I’ll make it work.  Besides, with all the chocolate we have left from Christmas, I may just fit into it by the time it’s done.

I also have some fun baby knitting to do (for friends – no grandchildren yet…ahem, YET) but I’ve not settled on which pattern(s) or yarn to use.  Of course, choosing that stuff is half the fun!  One friend is due in less than a month and another has a while to go but get this -- it’s TWINS!  Ooh, baby, baby (like, literally)! 

Another thing I’ll be attempting in the New Year is a pair of socks.  I’ve been a sockless knitter so far but I earned $10 in Jimmy Beans Bucks and used it toward a sock kit.  I haven’t received the kit yet and I made sure not order one containing extremely expensive yarn just in case it’s a disaster but I’m kinda stoked about it.  At least, I’m in love with the idea of making socks.  We’ll see if reality matches my expectations.  Oh, and you’re going to be shocked, but I also purchased a small set of Devil-Produced Needles.  I know, you can’t believe it, right?!?  But it really is true.  They were marked WAY down and they are wood, not metal like the only set I had, so I’m going to give them another shot.  I figure I can ask one of the ladies I met at the yarn shop, Marilyn (who is the undisputed queen of DPNs), to help me get past my trauma.  And if that doesn’t work, I can always stab myself repeatedly with them…or I could use them on The Husband’s new bird who has decided that screeching to get attention is a fabulous practice.  How does “grilled skewered parrot” sound to you?  Sounds pretty good to me at this particular moment.

Time to dash.  The never-ending Christmas blanket did NOT get finished yesterday.  I’m so close, and yet so far.  I can say with complete sincerity that this will be the absolute LAST blanket I knit.  Who knew the simplest thing on my knitting list would turn out to be the most frustrating??  Sigh…
***  ***  ***


  1. Happy New Year! I just went and had a look at that Limestone sweater pattern. It is a very nice sweater! Good luck with the socks. They are my comfort knitting, and at the risk of losing you as a blogging friend I have to say I love knitting with Devil-Produced Needles. :-)

    1. Oh good! You can talk me down off the ledge when I'm ready to jump off due to frustration! :)

    2. I would be more than happy to talk you down from the knitter's ledge. :-)

  2. I do like hubby's sweater choice. My hubby and I picked a pattern together for me to knit for him. I think it's going to take a while... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/classic-oak-cardigan. It's quite lovely and I am knitting with Malabrigo, so... I'm also currently working on a baby blanket and have several books of baby patterns if you want to peruse them. As for the socks, well you know how I feel about socks :)

    As always, I do enjoy reading your blog!

    1. Wow, what a beautiful sweater and so detailed! It's going to be gorgeous!

  3. 7 Christmas sweaters?!? I've been reading your blog all along, so I must have known that, but seeing the number does me in. You're a brave soul!

    1. I think brave is the wrong word. Um...naively optimistic? Completely out of touch with reality, maybe? : )


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